This entry is for you Claudia in case you decide to visit our page again. It was great to here from you by the way. We miss you guys.

I ended my last entry with the query, "Time for a cell phone? maybe "
I think this deserves a little clarification. You see, I have been a non-cell phone user my entire life. I don't own one and have had no desire to own one. I'm with ya Claudia, let's get back to the good old days where people actually spoke to each other face to face.
Chet has a cell phone that he brings to work with him. He bought it when I was prego this last time in case I went into labor during the day ( has yet to happen that way). We never use the thing. But in the past two weeks, I have had the school try and contact me three times while I was away from the home. And away for the entire day I might add. So dilemma! do I finally buckle down and succumb to the wireless world, or remain a naive, electronically challenged mother of three, who hopes to be home when a school emergency occurs.
I have no intention of giving my children cell phones until well into their teen years ( If then), and Chet needs his since it is the only way to contact him in case of an emergency ( you can only call in to his supervisor, and she works minimal hours).
I have lasted this long and survived just fine. Oh well, What is a stubborn , red head to do!