I love the the blunders and phrase switching that children and for that matter, adults sometimes do. Here are a few snippets that have made me laugh this weekend.
1) On Fridays I volunteer at the kids school. Like most moms I spend most of the morning getting the kids ready and so I rarely have time to make myself presentable before heading out the door. Popping on my glasses and pulling the hair back into a pony is about as good as it gets. But this past Friday I made an extra effort and actually put in my contacts instead of my glasses. when I arrived at the school a sweet little boy in Peyton's class came up to me and said:
" Wow, Mrs. Bui, did you get your eyes pierced?"
I had to giggle, and hardily thank him for noticing.
2) We hold family home evening on Fridays at our house. It's what works for us and our schedule. Peyton gave a lovely lesson about The Creation, and even read from the book of Genesis (we've really enjoyed seeing his reading skills take off). At the end of the lesson he posed the questions. "What do we do on Sundays, the day of rest". We each took a turn answering: prayer, go to church, read scriptures, think about Jesus, and then it was Camden's turn to answer, to which he bellowed.
" Watch football"
A wide grin spread across Chet's face, such a proud poppa, and we all had a good laugh. Camden truly is watching and learning from everything we do.
3) That same night we stuck around and played a few games of Hangman on the dry erase board. We tried to keep the phrases centered around our family home evening lesson. Chet thought he was being so smart when it was his turn to create a phrase. He really had us stumped, what started with an F had an L in the middle and ended with a T. We were almost hung, then Alyssa saved us by confusingly guessing with a scrunched nose.
Chet was so disappointed that she had guessed is word. We all looked at each other and laughed, some one had to break the news to him. So Alyssa stated.
" Isn't it supposed to be FIRMAMENT"
He was rather embarrassed that he had been called out by a 9 year old. I guess he had light bulbs and fridge parts on the brain. Maybe he was hungry.