Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Family Time
Saturday brought sunny skies and soaring temperatures. Peyton spent the entire day outside playing with neighbourhood friends, but Alyssa was trapped inside, the consequence of a bad decision made the day before. I was surprised to see that she took her punishment rather well. She quickly completed her Saturday chores, did her 40 minutes of reading, and even took the time to help me empty the dishwasher. But I think the biggest surprise of the day, came when she asked if we could play piano together. Alyssa sadly lost her piano teacher this last spring when their family moved to Colorado ( We love you and miss you Heidi), Alyssa has had a hard time getting back into piano. We haven't been able to find a new teacher for her and I feared that glorious new talent would soon be lost. However, Alyssa quickly slipped right back into her determined self. We spent upwards of two hours playing duets, and breaking out in song. Then she scrambled upstairs and grabbed the song list for the upcoming primary program at church. I then played the piano while she sang through the complete list of songs. I don't think there is anything that can bring the spirit into a home faster then the playing of appropriate and reflective music. The rest of the day was spent jumping on the trampoline (my calves are feeling it today) and preparing a meal for the missionaries.
Today looks to be just as joyous. As I watch my children practicing their speaking parts in the kitchen for the primary program, I feel grateful and blessed to have the gospel in my life, and a family who loves each other.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Transformer fest
It seem like all we do lately is write about Peyton, But it just so happened that his birthday was spread out through the week. Peyton still does not have the best sense of time. Two days prior to his birthday, we reminded him that his birthday was in two days. To this he questioned, "Is that close mom?" Imagine his surprise, when he woke up Tuesday morning to discover it was in fact his birthday. That day was a simple one; Lunch with mom and dad, opening gifts quickly before heading off to soccer, hitting the drive thru window at Panda Express on the way home and off to bed.
Now Friday is when the festivities really began. It was time for the kid party. Transformer themed of course. Let me just remind you that we are in no way band wagoners when it comes to transformers. Peyton has been a transformer addict since he was two. Chet purchased the original 1980's cartoon series on DVD, and the two of them quickly bonded over laser guns, energon cubes and Megatrons mischievous ways. That was 4 years ago and Peyton has thought of nothing since. We have only recently been blessed with the resurgence of toys thanks to last years release of the movie. Anyway the party was a hit. Peyton and his three pest pals shot nerf darts at decepticon faces, dodged lasers on the trampoline, went on a quest to find the allspark, and ultimately gorged themselves on cake and pizza. It is official. Peyton is no longer a little boy he is quickly heading toward the tween stage. Lucky for us he has kept his cheerful demeanor and charitable heart, two things we gives thanks for everyday!
our four autobot protectorsMonday, September 22, 2008
Birthday Boy
Peyton's 1st birthday cake
Taking a nap with Beary
Forever with a sweet tooth
Look at those pearly whites
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Flower Power

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Nacho Cheese !!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Whose afraid of the Big Bad BIKE ?