When you look at Alyssa, you get the feeling that she was meant to be a leader. Her very birth brought with it a string of firsts.
* The 1st child born to our family
* The 1st in our family to be born in the United States
* The 1st grandchild born to both the Bui side and Palin side
As she has grown, she continues to be blessed with the power to lead. You could not ask for a better big sister to read stories, change a diaper, or clean the bathroom. She always has a willingness to offer a prayer at church or give a talk. At school she spends Friday afternoons assisting special needs children in their P.E classes, and then makes up her missed school work on her own time.
Had Alyssa of been born in the 50's I have no doubt she would of been an advocate for women's rights. The 60's would have found her leading a march against the Vietnam war. She was born to lead, and our lives have been blessed because of it. So whether she sets a positive example by being the 1st grandchild to get baptised or pushes through the pain to be the 1st person to make it to the top of Bears Hump in Waterton; we look forward to where her leadership will take her, and will be cheering her on all the way.
Alyssa at the top of Bears Hump
What a great dedication to Alyssa.
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