Yesterday was the Quatama Ward Primary Sacrament meeting program. This is absolutely without a doubt the best Sunday of the year. There is something magical about seeing 80 children valiantly sitting up on the stand, that makes your heart flutter with pride and love. Primary Children songs have the most tender and influential messages. When they are sung by sweet , innocent voices the message is heard 100 fold.
This year I was told that when the program was being written, the wonderful primary presidency sisters included little snippets of comments that the children had actually said throughout the year. I guess that is why when I saw Peyton's speaking part, it looked like something he would actually say. Well at least the last sentence did.
When Peyton took to the microphone he proudly claimed:
" Families can go to the temple together. I can prepare now to go. I can obey the word of wisdom and eat healthy food like watermelon."
Alyssa was for the 4th year in a row assigned a talk. She always does such a terrific job. This year she spoke on Family History. These were her words:
"Sometimes I like to hear stories about when my grandma’s and mom were little girls. And sometimes I dream about how many grand kids I will have one day and what they will like to do. All of these ancestors and future generations are linked together like this chain.
In the spirit world, the gospel is taught to those who died before receiving it. But they don’t have a body to perform the baptismal and temple ordinances. We are the center link in this chain. By doing our family history, and performing temple ordinances for those who have died ,we can keep our family bound together.
Someday, one of these future generations will discover , that I was the first person on both sides of my family to be born in the United States. And my dad is the only member of the church on his side so there’s lots of work to do there. I know that doing our family history is a way of showing love for our Heavenly Father and our families. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ Amen."
Alyssa also had the added pleasure of singing a little solo. She was able to sing the 2nd verse of "I am a Child of God." What fun to hear that sweet voice carrying out over the congregation.
I am grateful for all the time and effort wonderful, dedicated primary leaders put into sharing their talents. They are helping to raise confident, spiritual children.