Thursday brought a warming of sorts, to the Portland area. Unfortunately our snowman didn't survive. He toppled over and then was grotesquely ran over by the van when Chet left for work. No worries! Just one more thing for the kids to do.

Alyssa mourning the loss of Frosty

The rebuild

Peyton came up with the brilliant idea of shoveling all the snow towards Alyssa, to give her easy access and assist in the rebuild.

He is sad looking, his helmet is on backwards, and he has lost two layers, but welcome back Frosty.

Camden got a kick out of watching his siblings at work.
Wow it looks like it is very cold at your house! We had our fireplace on last night but we had to open all the windows. lol. So your snowman was murdered by Chet. Knowing Chet he probably enjoyed running him over. I also love your PJ's They are just way too cute. And to answer your question do I feel old, YES everyday!
oooohhh heeeey, what a cute toque and mitts Camden has on! Who knew they'd come in so handy? Haha, Brilliant!
Brogan and Rhiannon are DYING for snow. So I refuse to show them your blog.
And I also refuse to take them to Alberta.
I know, I'm a bad bad mom.
Ha, I love the tire tracks through frosty. That is so funny. Good thing Chet gave them something fun to do. Camden's hat is so cute, and congrats on the new nephew that is so fun.
Poor Frosty! The picture of Alyssa mourning is classic. :D Congrats on bringing him back to life!
Dang Camden is tooo cute. What do you feed that kid anyway?
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