Every creature was stirring, because school was out.
The stockings were hung by the chimney all neat,
In hopes that they soon would be filled with a treat

With mom in her footsies

And some cold arctic wind
When out on the road there arose such a clatter
It was all the cold cars starting up with a sputter
The fluff on the lawn, the house and the trees,
Swirled into my nose as it flew with the breeze.
When What to my wondering eyes should appear
But a white covered tramp, and three kids in snow gear
You are so talented, Nancy. I wish I could write poems like you do. So much fun!
This is SO cute! I love reading the things you write. I hope today is even more fun for your kids. It's really starting to build up out there.:)
Your blog is too cute! I love the footsie PJ's
You are awesome! Glad your kids are enjoying winter so much.
Great fun, thanks Nancy!
Oh, and the footsies are très chic.
I'm totally jealous.
Where can I get me some of those footsies. How about that poem? How do you find the time? That is awsome.
Glad you're enjoying the weather!
thanks for the commet but noooooooooooo one can make me do school work so haaaaaaaa little miss i can get me to do anything
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