There is of course days where the schedule is askew or altered. Particularly on Sundays when naps time are really a mess due to 1:00 pm church. I like nap times, they are when I get things done. But Camden went completely bizzaro on me yesterday. He didn't really sleep at church ( I don't blame him ), in fact he never took a nap until 5:30 pm. I figured he would go down for about an hour and a half, only logical right? WRONG ! that child slept until 11:30 pm. Now any one who knows me, knows that I am neither a morning person nor a night person. I Like my sleep. I go to bed early and if I can, wake up late. This put a slight glitch in my REM cycle. Chet had for the first time in 4 years gone to bed at a decent hour and was not budging. It was up to me to provide quality time for my little monkey.
There is something spooky about being awake for several hours in the wee morning light. The Fridge sounded like there was a microphone underneath it. The stove fan would jostle in the wind and I swear I heard someone play a few keys on the piano. I am a freak. This is why I sleep. My imagination always gets the better of me. It is best if it rest through the night and provides sweet dreams.
There is no doubt that you are a BUI BOY. You will eat anything. Grandma Bui used to tell me that your dad would open his mouth for anything, even if he was full to the brim. I am afraid son that you have inherited this trait. One of your funnier moments was when you were eating squash. It was obvious that you weren't fond of the taste. You would screw up your face and shiver every time you swallowed, but that didn't stop you from opening your mouth wide every time I came forward with the spoon.
Peyton enjoyed oodles of candy, popcorn, juice, cookies, and cupcakes all before 10:00 am. he then ended his school day with a rousing game of GHOST Bingo.
Alyssa had to pull in a few hours of actual school work before she got to put her groove on. Well worth the wait. She jammed the afternoon away, kickin' it with friends and stuffing her face.
She then displayed one of her many talents and repeatedly walked across the room balancing books on her head.
The whole family ended our afternoon cruising through stores and snatching up all their candy. This was Camden's first experience trick or treating. He enjoyed grabbing for treats and was disappointed when it had to be put in the bag. It's a good thing he will never remember that he never even got to eat it.