Sunday, November 2, 2008

Earlier Halloween day

Halloween started out with a bang. The great thing about this holiday is the perma-grin spread across the faces of every child you meet. For one day you can say that every child is adorable.

Tobias Elementary celebrates every holiday with pizazz. The day started with an 8:30 am assembly . We discovered later that Tobias is one of the few schools that still allow children to dress up for Halloween. That is unfortunate, but I guess I understand the reasoning behind it. Principle Noesen on the other hand would never miss an opportunity to dress up. The morning Kinder classes got to parade around all the other grades at the assembly so they could show off their costumes. The official costume parade would not start until later that afternoon.

Peyton enjoyed oodles of candy, popcorn, juice, cookies, and cupcakes all before 10:00 am. he then ended his school day with a rousing game of GHOST Bingo.

Alyssa had to pull in a few hours of actual school work before she got to put her groove on. Well worth the wait. She jammed the afternoon away, kickin' it with friends and stuffing her face.

She then displayed one of her many talents and repeatedly walked across the room balancing books on her head.

The whole family ended our afternoon cruising through stores and snatching up all their candy. This was Camden's first experience trick or treating. He enjoyed grabbing for treats and was disappointed when it had to be put in the bag. It's a good thing he will never remember that he never even got to eat it.

1 comment:

Krista said...

That is pretty lucky that your kids school still does Halloween parties, Rhiannon's school surely doesn't. Well ... at least the kids aren't allowed to dress up. The staff did, which I thought was truly unfair.
Camden will never know what you don't tell him ;)