ONE sick and moody girl
THREE very grumpy children
ONE frazzled and unshowered mom
What is the blessing you may ask? This is the first time the kids have really been uncomfortably sick this school year. And it is the weekend, so they still have not missed any school. Yeah! Another blessing! we have mastered all the board games in our closet. It may be sickly family time, but it is family time none the less.

THREE very grumpy children

What is the blessing you may ask? This is the first time the kids have really been uncomfortably sick this school year. And it is the weekend, so they still have not missed any school. Yeah! Another blessing! we have mastered all the board games in our closet. It may be sickly family time, but it is family time none the less.
Ah shoot! All of them at once? Sounds like a job for Chicken Soup Man. At very least you'd think you could get Florida to deliver OJ directly to your door.
Hope everyone feels better soon!
hahahaha ... I love that picture of you.
I have been there done that. It is no fun to have all of your kids sick at the same time. But just remember that what does not kill us just makes us stronger, or insane.
Sorry you guys spent your weekend with the sickies but I guess by the perkiness I saw in everyone today, you are all feeling better! Alyssa was so full of energy she was even running across the parking lot at church and I hit the breaks to miss hitting her smiley little face! Thank Goodness!!!
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