Last month we had some family pictures taken. It had been nearly three years since our last set of pictures, so it definitely was about time. My extremely generous and kind friend Jen Preece, took time out of her very busy schedule to take the photos for us. She has a natural talent for Photography. Thanks Jen! She was able to capture many adorable shots of the kidaroos. Below are just a few of those shots. We were also able to get wonderful family pictures, but Chet hates having his picture taken, and especially hates when I post them. I snuck a few family shots in other places on the blog.
I had forgotten how interesting it is to try and get a baby to smile, or simply just cooperate. I love how in most baby pictures the child has this completely stunned look on his/her face. Our Pictures were no exception.

Jerry also hates having his picture taken, hence no family pictures of us in over 4 years. Brogan was about the same age as Camden the last time I was able to schnagle it.
I love the pictures you had taken, I think they are super cute!
I love your family photo's they are very cute. We try to get a family photo every year. I know it can be very hard to get all of the kids to smile at the same time. And by the end of the day you are ready to pull your hair out but it is worth it to get a cute family photo.
I love your family pictures! Alyssa is so bubbly and photogenic like you! The place looks awfully familiar... I think everyone in the ward is having their pictures done at Rood Bridge these days- it so perfect. And about having a baby in the photos, I totally know. Thanks to Ryley most our pictures didn't turn out. He always had his shoe, or my bracellte, or Chad's sleeve in his mouth! But, out of 300+ we got a couple and that's all that matters.
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